9 Popular Drinks in Vietnam That You Can Like to Try

As a tropical country, Vietnam offers various beverages in any season, rain or shine, which are unique and hard to find elsewhere. Many drinks carry a deep culture that makes you love them.

Let’s study 9 popular drinks in Vietnam in the details below!

1. Green tea

The tea trees are popularly grown in the north of Vietnam, centrally in Thai Nguyen, so the tea has become a well-liked drink throughout the country.

green tea in vietnam
Drinking green tea is popular in Vietnam. ©Vietnamdrive

As an important part of life, green tea presents at the start of most conversations. You will be invited for a cup of tea if you have an opportunity to visit a Vietnamese family during your journey here.

Even when sitting at a coffee shop, you can get a free cup of tea, which you think is beer because the color is very similar to the beer color.

Drinking tea in Vietnam is a time to relax and rest. So, it is drunk slowly to enjoy the taste, except for iced tea.

Besides being used as a daily drink, many tea shops have upgraded this drink into an art of enjoyment. Along with green tea, many other kinds are served, such as lotus tea, herbal tea, and jasmine tea.

The customers of tea are usually elderly people who want to slow down their lives because of the unhurried way to enjoy it and its taste clinging to nostalgic thoughts.

The local people often sell green tea in packages, and each package ranges from 20,000 VND to 120,000 VND, depending on the quality of the tea. However, a few kinds of teas can surprise you when their cost comes to over 1,500,000 VND/500gram.

2. Coffee

The second most popular drink is coffee. Coming to Vietnam, the second largest coffee exporter in the world, you will have a perfect chance to try various coffee versions under the constant creativity of the locals, such as egg coffee, salted coffee, and coconut coffee.

coconut coffee in vietnam
Coconut coffee is a unique one to try. ©Vietnamdrive

With the basalt-red soil of the Central Highlands, this region has become the capital of growing robusta coffee. The coffee produced here supplies for domestic and international markets. Thus, in most small stalls or supermarkets in Vietnam, you can find a wide variety of coffee beans and powder from this land.

Every morning, many people often sip a coffee cup before going to work or when interacting with friends.

Do not rush, and do not drink it like in other parts of the world. In Vietnam, most people drink coffee in sips, slowly, and relaxed. Even with takeaway coffee, drinkers don’t try it all at once. Therefore, many of them bring it to offices and slowly enjoy it while working.

Previously, only the male drank Vietnamese coffee, but now both genders taste this beverage. However, more men still use it than women.

A cup of coffee is not too high, only from 15,000 VND in a small shop, from 25,000 VND to 50,000 VND in a luxury place. If you want to buy coffee beans to take home after traveling in Vietnam, the price is 80,000 VND and over per 500 grams.

3. Beer

Beer is everywhere in Vietnam, from the countryside to the city, from sidewalk stalls to luxury restaurants.

popular beer in vietnam
Drinking beer comes in most of the parties. ©Vietnamdrive

In the past, Bia Hoi – draft beer – was a typical one of the locals, handcrafted at a low cost. Nowadays, bottled and canned beers of many prominent beer brands in Vietnam are opening scale here. Thus, Bia Hoi is only found in a few places, mainly in Hanoi, especially Ta Hien Street.

If coffee is drunk in the morning, beer is for the late afternoon after work when staying with friends or socializing with business partners. Beer also appears at parties, such as weddings, housewarmings, grand openings, etc.

With a different habit of drinking beer, when someone invites you to drink, you almost finish the glass – bottom-up! Not just one or two bottles or cans at a time, but a person can finish between 5 and 10 units. This habit contributes to putting Vietnam in the top 10 beer-consuming countries in the world, at 3.8 million liters by 2022.

Of course, beer is an alcoholic beverage, so the consumption majority is male, in the group of young and middle-aged people.

Beer in Vietnam is cheap, so it is also one of the factors contributing to more beer drinking here. The average price of a can is only 15,000 VND. If you drink it at a well-served restaurant, it will cost from 20,000 VND to 25,000 VND.

4. Vietnamese yogurt

Not the home of milk, but Vietnam is famous for its yogurt, a unique drink fermented from sweetened condensed milk. Many housewives make yogurt at home, but you can buy it in stores with a different taste.

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Vietnamese yogurt is tasty for both children and adults. ©Vietnamdrive

Yogurt contributes to digestion and provides various vitamins for good health. Many children and ladies like to try it when it is cool or frozen, after or between meals as snacks.

Yogurt in small plastic bags is usually eaten directly. The canned yogurts of big companies are often mixed with ice, adding fruits according to their preferences, such as mango, and strawberry, becoming a tasty drink for both children and adults.

The cost of a box of yogurt is under 10,000 VND. You can easily find them in grocery stores in Vietnam, but we recommend you buy them in supermarkets where they have better storage capacity. A yogurt glass after being processed in the cafe costs from 25,000 VND to 60,000 thousand VND.

5. Fruit juice

You can find various fruits in Vietnam almost all year round because the country is located in a tropical region. When fruit season comes, the farmers can’t sell them all, so they process them into juice to drink.

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Fruit juice has become a nutritious drink. ©Vietnamdrive

Thanks to the variety of flavors, fruit juices have quickly gained popularity throughout the country, becoming a famous daily nutritious drink.

To serve the large demand in the neighborhoods, many fruit juice shops have emerged, and even in a few cafes, you can order a glass of refreshing juice.

Various fruit juices, such as mango, pineapple, guava, and watermelon juice, are added with sugar and ice to serve. A glass of cold fruit juice is great for hot days in Vietnam. Let’s try one!

The price is suitable for most people’s needs, only 15,000 VND or 20,000 VND per glass to take away, depending on the type of fruit. The price can be higher if you drink in the on-site service shops.

6. Sugarcane juice

Along the streets or in the local markets in Vietnam, you occasionally notice a wheeled cart and a bunch of sugar cane nearby, which serves fresh sugar cane juice.

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Sugarcane juice is a natural drink, good during hot days. ©Vietnamdrive

Juice from sugarcane is poured into an ice glass, which is good for those who work hard, need rehydration and energy, or for anyone who wants to be refreshed in hot weather. Sugarcane juice has a mild sweet taste that is easy to consume for most people.

Usually, people buy sugarcane juice to take away and rarely sit back because they drink it quickly to quench their thirst.

A sugarcane juice glass will have a straw, so you can enjoy this beverage right away. However, most of the ice for this juice comes from ordinary tap water, so be mindful of this.

Sugarcane juice has a natural aroma, so children and adults love this drink. Additionally, the price is so affordable, only 10,000 VND a glass.

7. Fresh coconut water

Coconut trees grow a lot in Central and Southern Vietnam, especially in the Mekong Delta. Since then, coconuts have been carried around the country to fulfill users’ needs. Among them, young coconut water, also known as fresh coconut juice, has become familiar.

coconut water
Drinking coconut juice directly from its fruit is a nice way to enjoy it.

Coconut water is used as a refreshment beverage, supplementing energy and nutrition for the body. People often drink it in the morning – noon – afternoon, but do not drink it in the evening.

It is simple to taste this drink: just cut a part of coconut fruit and use a straw to enjoy this tasty beverage right away. Another way is that many people can take coconut juice in a glass, and add sugar and ice to cool it down before tasting it.

Almost anyone can drink fresh coconut water. However, when working or jogging with a lot of sweat, coconut water may not be suitable because it can cause fatigue.

A coconut at sidewalk shops costs 20,000 VND. However, its price can be much higher at 40,000VND in restaurants because of the serving fee.

8. Vietnamese rice wine

Originating from an agricultural country, rice is the main crop. The Vietnamese farmers have created many products from this seed, including rice wine that is fermented from white rice with yeast. Rice wine is a strong alcoholic beverage – but imbued with indigenous culture.

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The local people often drink rice wine in a small cup. @ms.lanhuynh

In the past, rice wine often appeared at parties. However, with the strong development of breweries, this wine has gradually had fewer users. Despite that, in worshiping ceremonies, weddings, and New Year’s Days, rice wine still plays an important role compared to other offerings.

Rice wine can be contained in porcelain or glass bottles for long-term preservation. When drinking it, drinkers pour it into small crockery or porcelain glasses. And, a person drinks a whole small glass like that at once.

Because of the high alcohol content in rice wine, only people over 18 years old can drink this wine. Currently, Vietnam has restrictions on the production and sale of rice wine. Besides, many consumers are no longer passionate about it, so it is difficult to find a place to produce rice wine in the big cities in Vietnam.

A liter of good rice wine is quite expensive because it is cooked manually, costing 100,000 VND and over, depending on the quality of the rice and yeast used. The price of sticky rice wine can be much higher, around 250,000 VND.

9. Ginger tea

Referring to ginger tea, you are probably familiar with it. But, when you enjoy ginger tea in Vietnam, specifically in cafes, you will find a complete difference.

ginger tea vietnam
Vietnamese ginger tea has various ingredients. ©Vietnamdrive

Vietnamese ginger tea contains a variety of ingredients. Besides ginger, there are oranges, lemons, licorice, salt, salted plum, and sugar or honey. Lots of things, right?

When drinking ginger tea, you put all ingredients in a glass, mix well and enjoy. Of course, it’s a cup of hot ginger tea, so you can’t and shouldn’t drink it once, but sip it slowly. Sometimes, a few shops can serve cold ginger tea with ice, but Vietnamdrive does not recommend drinking the cold one. Hot ginger tea is better.

Many people choose ginger tea to drink after meals, in the early morning, in the evening, and in winter when the weather is cold. Plenty of guests order a cup of ginger tea instead of coffee when they gather with friends at cafes to chat.

A cup of ginger tea in Vietnam costs from 25,000 VND to 40,000 VND, depending on different cafes.

With thousands of drinks in Vietnam, Vietnamdrive only selects typical beverages to introduce to you. We choose them according to the criteria of popularity and culture.

Never miss the opportunity to enjoy some of these drinks when coming to Vietnam!

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    About the author

    The editorial staff of Vietnamdrive is a team of travel experts managed by Mr. Thom who has worked in tourism for 14 years. Trusted by thousands of tourists from all over the world.