Tao Dan Park: A Green Lung of Ho Chi Minh City

Tao Dan Park is on the top list of the biggest parks in Ho Chi Minh City, with about 10 hectares wide and over 1,000 trees. This park has become a green lung in the heart of the busy city of Saigon.

This place attracts many urban residents who exercise, walk, or have fun in the early morning and late afternoon.

1. General info about Tao Dan Park

Address: Truong Dinh, Ben Thanh ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Opening hours in Tao Dan Garden: 5:00 am – 10:00 pm,
The best time to come here is 5:30 am – 8:00 am. Walk around the park and watch locals playing sports and practicing Tai Chi.

2. Highlights in Tao Dan Park

With many plants creating shade, the park is a popular destination for locals and tourists to enjoy the quiet and fresh space and escape from the hot heat in Saigon all day. You can sit on the benches to chat with friends or organize a picnic on the wide grass in the garden.

There are some highlights in this park that you can notice:

2.1. Hung Temple

Tao Dan Park
In front of Hung Temple in Tao Dan Park | ©pham van/flickr

Hung Temple was built in 1992 and restored in late 2011. It is a small, beautiful building with traditional architecture under the shade of green trees.

The temple consists of three rooms, worshipping:

  • The middle part is where Hung Vuong King.
  • On the left is where Au Co Mother.
  • The right is where President Ho Chi Minh.

With great spiritual values and beautiful scenery, Hung Vuong Temple in Tao Dan is significant for the spiritual life in Ho Chi Minh City.

2.2. Ancient tomb

In the Tao Dan campus, about 35 m from Tuong Dinh Street, near the headquarters of the Green Park Company, there is a well-cared tomb, but very few people have information about the tomb’s owner.

The tomb was built in a duplex structure, a popular tomb construction technique in Vietnam from the 15th to the early 20th century. The area includes the graves, lobby, and altar and is 11m long and 7m wide.

In particular, the tomb has only a 1.4 m high gate. Perhaps the builders intended that those coming to the graves must bow their heads to the death, like their ancestors.

2.3. Cham Temple

Cham Temple in Tao Dan
Cham Temple in Tao Dan | @saigon.photography

One of the park’s highlights is a Cham temple. This is not the original Cham tower of the Champa kingdom; it is only a copy of the project’s prototype, which is the main tower in the famous Po Nagar temple in Nha Trang.

The tower in Tao Dan Park is much smaller than the original structure. The details decorated on the wall are also greatly reduced. However, the building still exudes the quiet and mysterious appearance inherent to a Cham tower.

The tower’s appearance has created a unique highlight for Tao Dan. The work is also a valuable reference model for those who cannot afford to visit ancient Cham towers.

2.4. Tao Dan children’s play area

The Tao Dan children’s play area is about 300m2 on the side of Truong Dinh Street. It is designed with various outdoor sports games, a continuous home system, a slide, and a swing. Although the playground is small, it is comfortable for children to run and play.

This playing area aims to help increase children’s movement and stimulate them to be closer to nature for comprehensive development.

3. What to do in the Tao Dan Park

3.1. Train exercise in the park

Tao Dan Park is considered the green lung of Ho Chi Minh City. Every morning and late afternoon, a lot of people come here to exercise and enjoy the fresh air.

exercise in Tao Dan Park
Exercise in Tao Dan Park | @meipikapi

At Tao Dan, there are dozens of machines, exercise equipment, and dance classes, such as aerobic dance and modern dance, that help people practice and improve their health.

In addition to the space for adult fitness, many children go to the park with their parents to have fun and enjoy the fresh air. 

The natural green color of plants dramatically affects the development of eyesight and the relaxation of the eyes. Therefore, this place is excellent for most people.

3.2. Experience the bird coffee at the park

On weekend mornings, crowds of people with their birds gather at the coffee shop inside Tao Dan Park, eliminating the noisy and strenuous life to immerse themselves in nature.

In the early morning, many players bring their favorite birds to meet with friends with similar interests. The bird’s sound is exciting and fun, and it helps people forget daily tiredness.

Although some birds cost millions of Vietnam dong and require a lot of time to care for, the joy is simply enjoying the moments when they sing and dance while relaxing and tasting a cup of coffee.

>>> You may want to see the beautiful coffee shops in Saigon.

3.3. Walk and relax in the park

With a big area and many green trees, you can walk and relax under the shade. If you want to spend a long time here, remember to carry a little food and drink.

If you plan to organize a picnic, the park is also ideal for your family, friends, and relatives to have fun and leisure time. Sitting on the grass under the shade, all of you enjoy the snacks and talk about life. What a wonderful time!

3.4. Visit the historical and cultural buildings

Right in the park, the Hung Temple, built in the traditional style, the Cham temple, and the ancient tomb are typical buildings where you can study the culture and architecture.

Remember to take pictures of them to remember the time when you are in Ho Chi Minh City.

4. History of Tao Dan Park

Tao Dan Park Map
Tao Dan Park Map

Tao Dan Park can be considered the Central Park of Ho Chi Minh City. Before the French occupied Saigon in 1859, it was the “royal garden” of Gia Dinh, the residence of the family of Governor Le Van Duyet, known as the Vice-King for ruling over South Vietnam.

The garden was called “Vuon Ong Thuong,” and it included the Reunification Palace today. In addition to the residence of the Governor-General, it also had a flower garden and a traditional theater. But after Le Van Duyet died, King Minh Mang demolished Vuon Ong Thuong.

After capturing Saigon, the French took a part of Ong Thuong Garden as the location of the Government Palace (built from 1868 to 1871), later named Norodom Palace (which then became the Reunification Palace).

The rest was built as the Jardin de la Ville (City Park), the first public flower garden for Saigon people. Separating these two parts was Poulo Condor Road (Con Dao), built in 1869 and later renamed Miss Cawell (now Huyen Tran Cong Chua).

From 1922 to 1955, the city park was named after Maurice Long, a former minister and also governor-general of Indochina (1920-1922). Gradually, many areas adjacent to the frontage of Ong Thuong Garden were separated for public works.

After 1954, the French left, and the Government Palace became the Presidential Palace. The South Government of Vietnam also changed a series of street names, gardens, and public buildings. Maurice Long Park became Tao Dan Park (the name of the poetry organization of King Le Thanh Ton in the 15th century).

After April 1975, Cong Vien Tao Dan changed its name to City Children’s Park but then returned to its former name, continuing to be the Tao Dan Cultural Park until now. Since 1985, the park has been the first to open an outdoor music stage to serve the people of Saigon.

Cong Vien Tao Dan is a familiar green place for people to go sightseeing, walk, play sports, and participate in fine arts and entertainment activities. This site is often chosen for the largest Spring Flower Festival in Ho Chi Minh City every Tet holiday.

Note to know when visiting this place

  1. People come to Tao Dan Park to train and exercise more in the early morning than in the afternoon. Thus, if you want to take pictures of the local people’s daily activities, you will come there from 5:30 am to 7:00 am.
  2. Although the park opens until 10:00 pm, Vietnamdrive recommends not staying there over 8:00 pm to avoid robbers.
  3. Tao Dan Park is crowded with people on the morning of Saturday and Sunday.
  4. The parks have two coffee shops, but the café close to the Cach Mang Thang Tam is more interesting if you want to watch and hear the birds.
  5. Although there are cafés in Tao Dan, you can bring your own food and drink when you visit.
  6. You may encounter students telling foreigners to practice their English. If you have time, you can help them learn English, too.

Tao Dan Park is an ideal place for relaxing and watching the local people’s daily lives. Enjoying a cup of coffee while hearing the birds sing is one of our interesting activities here. Besides visiting famous tourist destinations in Ho Chi Minh City, taking a short break to sit down at Tao Dan Park can become a highlight of your holidays in this beautiful city.

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    The editorial staff of Vietnamdrive is a team of travel experts managed by Mr. Thom who has worked in tourism for 14 years. Trusted by thousands of tourists from all over the world.