How to get from Hanoi to Hoi An

These are some suggestions for you to choose the right way to travel from Hanoi to Hoi An City.

houses in Hoi An Vietnam
Houses in Hoi An Vietnam | Vietnamdrive

From Hanoi to Hoi An by car

From Hanoi to Hoi An is nearly 900km, this is a long drive for many travelers within one day. Thus, if you want to drive from Hanoi to Ho An, you should give this trip at least 2 days. For the suggestions of Vietnam Drive, three days is good for you, because there are many attractive sites from Hanoi to Hoi An. You can stop to visit the Paradise Cave in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park; Vinh Moc Tunnels near DMZ in Quang Tri or Pagodas, the Royal Citadel or the Royal Tombs in Hue; and amazing Hai Van pass between Hue and Danang. This way is long and costs a high price, but travelers can see many sites along Vietnam.

Hanoi to Hoi An by train

Another way how to get from Hanoi to Hoi An is to use trains. There are many overnight trains from Hanoi to Danang with daily departure. Danang train station is the closest train station to Hoi An. Thus, you have to use a taxi or book a car with a driver to drive you from Danang train station to Hoi An. Price with a private car for this transfer is from 17 USD for 2 guests.

Hanoi to Hoi An by flights

Travelling from Hanoi to Hoi An with flights is the fastest way and right choice. Danang airport is the nearest airport to Hoi An. Thus, you also have to need a transfer from Danang airport to Hoi An which is around 35 km far away. There are many flights for travelers to choose to fly from Hanoi to Danang airport then transfer from Danang to Hoi An. This is a popular way to travel from Hanoi to Hoi An.

You may check this: Nearest airport to Hoi An City

These are some ways how to get from Hanoi to Hoi An. Vietnam Drive hopes that you can choose the best method to travel from Hanoi to Hoi An for fixing your limited time.

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    About the author

    The editorial staff of Vietnamdrive is a team of travel experts managed by Mr. Thom who has worked in tourism for 14 years. Trusted by thousands of tourists from all over the world.