Ta Con Quang Tri – “The Earth Hell” of The American Troops

Ta Con Air Base in Quang Tri since Jan 1968

From January 20 to February 7, 1968, after destroying some of the strongholds in the west and opening Highway 9, an armored army overran Lang Vay for the first time in coordination with infantry. Soon after that, the siege to the Ta Con combat base tightened.

Under the rain of bombs and shells, the liberation army bravely attacked the target and gradually got closer to the base.

The American army could not loosen the siege because the liberation army was as close as the barbed wires surrounding the base; their guns and rockets could already shoot directly at American troops in the base, and tanks and planes landed on Ta Con airstrip.

Americans in the base had to hide themselves in underground trenches as the French did in Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Ta Con became “the earth hell” of the American troops.

Transport aircraft C130 hovered in the sky for supply and lift of the wounded 140 times, but only 40 times were able to safely land on the airstrip under the support of air and artillery strikes.

To minimize the loss, the Americans decided to use parachute drops for supplies, but the result was little because most of the supplies landed in the liberation army’s area.

Check tours to visit DMZ:

Hue to DMZ Vietnam Tour

Ta Con Air Base in Quang Tri since April 1968

In April 1968, when the Tet general offensive settled down, the American commanding post mobilized Air Cavalry Division 1 and 3 parachute battalions and 1 South Vietnamese army battalion to launch two operations, “Flying Horse” and “Lam Son 270,” to lift the Khe Sanh siege.

To support the American and South Vietnamese army’s counterattack, bombs were dropped at a distance of only 400m from Ta Con based, B52 fighters blockaded in and outside distance from 2 to 3km.

The severe battles took place on the heights of 471, 400, 542, 479, Che Rien, and Lang Khoai.

The enemy suffered heavy losses but thanked powerful fire support, and they occupied some advantageous positions. The siege of Khe Sanh was loosened, and troops were able to be replaced in Khe Sanh.

Ta Con airport at Khe Sanh DMZ
Bombshells left in Ta Con battlefields

At that time, their Khe Sanh defensive tactics also focused on Ta Con. They increased two marine regiments and two air cavalry battalions and occupied important heights of 689, 552, 471, Cu Boc, and Lang Khoai. However, they still could not control the west side of Ta Con.

In that situation, the commanding board of the campaign (North Vietnam) instructed to continue actively attacking and maintaining the siege to Khe Sanh again. This is to pull back the enemy here for an encounter and help Tri-Thien have the second offensive and uprising round.

Division 308 and Regiment 246 were mobilized for highway 9 – Khe Sanh front. With the reinforcement, the liberation army (North Vietnam) reoccupied Lang Cat, Che Rien, Cu Boc, and isolated Ta Con. The American commanding post had to move Division 3 of Marines to Khe Sanh.

Hien Luong Bridge at DMZ Vietnam
Hien Luong Bridge, which was used to separate Vietnam, is one of the systems of the DMZ in Vietnam.

Hien Luong Bridge which was used to separated Vietnam is on the system of the DMZ of Vietnam.

On June 1, division 3 of US Marines launched an operation called Scotland in Tu Ri, Ta Quan, Huc, and Coc Pa Tang to pull back the liberation army from Khe Sanh for the counterattack. But at the beginning of the operation, one enemy battalion suffered a big loss.

At the same time, the liberation army attacked and destroyed sets of strongholds in the west of Ta Con and Highway 9, cutting communication by land and controlled air route. Ta Con was isolated and put under threat of elimination.

In response to the situation, the enemy had to end the Scotland operation and withdraw forces back to keep Highway 9 south of Ta Con. They moved 2 Marine battalions downward to keep Dong Ha and Cua Viet.

The liberation army intensified its attacks along Highway 9, especially in Ta Con. Judging the situation that could not be sustained, on June 26, Westmoreland decided to abandon Khe Sanh. However, the liberation army heavily attacked it only after 11 days after American troops survived to leave Ta Con.

On July 9, 1968, Khe Sanh was liberated.

This information is extracted from the Quang Tri Management Board of relics and high-interest sights.

Ta Con Air Base in Quang Tri since Jan 1968

From January 20 to February 7, 1968, after destroying some of the strongholds in the west and opening of highway 9, armoured army for the first time in coordination with infantry overrun Lang Vay and soon after that tightened the siege to Ta Con combat base.

Under the rain of bombs and shells, the liberation army bravely held attacking the target and gradually got closer to the base.

The American could not loosen the siege because of the liberation army as close as the barbed wires surrounding the base, their guns and rockets already could shoot directly at American troops in the base, tanks and planes landed on Ta Con airstrip.

American in the base had to hide themselves in underground trenches as the French did in Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Ta Con became “the earth hell” of the American troops.

Transport aircraft C130 hovered in the sky for supply and lift of the wounded 140 times but only 40 times were able safely landed on the airstrip under the support of air and artillery strikes.

To minimize the loss, the American decided to use parachute drops for supplies, but the result was little because most of the supplies landed in the liberation army’s area.

Check tours to visit DMZ:
Hue to DMZ Vietnam Tour

Ta Con Air Base in Quang Tri since April 1968

In April of 1968, when Tet general offensive was settled down, American commanding post mobilized air cavalry division 1 and 3 parachute battalion, 1 South Vietnamese army battalion to launch two operations namely called “Flying Horse” and “Lam Son 270” to lift Khe Sanh siege.

To support the American and South Vietnamese army’s counter-attack, bombs were dropped in a distance of only 400m from Ta Con based, B52 fighters blockaded in and outside distance from 2 to 3km.

The severe battles took place on the heights of 471, 400, 542, 479, Che Rien, and Lang Khoai.

The enemy suffered from the heavy loss but thanked powerful fire support, they occupied some advantageous positions. The siege of Khe Sanh was loosened and the replacement of troops in Khe Sanh was able to make.

At that time, their Khe Sanh defensive manner also focused on Ta Con. They increased two marine regiments, 2 air cavalry battalions, and occupied important heights of 689, 552, 471, Cu Boc, Lang Khoai. However, they still could not control the west side of Ta Con.

In that situation, the commanding board of the campaign (the North Vietnam) instructed to continue actively attacking and maintaining the siege to Khe Sanh again. This is to pull back the enemy here for encounter and help Tri-Thien to have the second round of offensive and uprising.

Division 308 and Regiment 246 were mobilized for highway 9 – Khe Sanh front. With the reinforcement, the liberation army (the North Vietnam) reoccupied Lang Cat, Che Rien, Cu Boc and isolated Ta Con. The American commanding post had to move division 3 of marines to Khe Sanh.

On the first of June, division 3 of US marines launched an operation namely called Scotland in Tu Ri, Ta Quan, Huc, Coc Pa Tang to pull back the liberation army from Khe Sanh for the counterattack. But in the beginning of the operation, one battalion of the enemy was suffered from big loss.

At the same time, liberation army attacked and destroyed sets of strongholds in the west of Ta Con and highway 9, totally cut communication by land and controlled air route. Ta Con was totally isolated and put under threat of elimination.

In response to the situation, the enemy had to end Scotland operation, withdrew forces back to keep highway 9, south of Ta Con. They moved 2 Marine battalions downward to keep Dong Ha and Cua Viet.

The liberation army enhanced attacking along the highway 9, especially in Ta Con. Judging the situation that could not be stood, on 26 of June, Westmoreland decided to abandon Khe Sanh, but it was heavily attacked by the liberation army, only after 11 days since American troops who survived to leave Ta Con.

On July 9, 1968, Khe Sanh was liberated.

This information is extracted from Quang Tri Management Board of relics and high-interest sights.

Read more: The famous war relic near the DMZ: Vinh Moc Tunnels



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