How Is Vietnamese Weasel Coffee?

Most people mention Vietnamese weasel coffee. However, the fact is that civets are grown to process this type of coffee. So, in the article, calling civet or weasel has the same meaning.

vietnamese weasel coffee
Vietnamese weasel coffee. (FB) @CaPheChonTraiHamDaLat

Weasel coffee in Vietnam is produced by feeding weasels with fresh coffee berries, then taking the beans from their feces to clean and process into roasted and ground coffee.

The digestive system of civets secretes chemicals that give weasel coffee a special flavor. In the world, only a few countries can produce this type of coffee, such as Indonesia, Philippines, Ethiopia, and Vietnam, in limited quantities.

Weasel coffee is quite expensive because the production process of this coffee is also unique.

How is weasel coffee in Vietnam?

Weasel coffee is ranked among the most unique drinks in the world. The taste of coffee beans is created through the digesting process in the stomachs of weasels, especially by the action of enzymes that change the components inherent in coffee beans.

If you take the time to enjoy this cup of coffee, you will feel the Vietnamese weasel coffee flavor similar to the smell of smoke but faintly chocolatey, slightly fatty, less sour, and pleasant.

Where does weasel coffee come from?

Weasel coffee has the English name Kopi Luwak, in which the word “Kopi” means coffee in the Indonesian language, and “Luwak” is the name of a region on the island of Java and also the name of civet cats living in the area of that island.

The civets mentioned are also known as spotted civets, palm civets, or loofahs, living throughout the countries of Southeast Asia. In Vietnam, people raise civets to produce this typical type of coffee.

vietnamese coffee fruits
Coffee fruits. @CaPheChonTraiHamDaLat

What is the price of Vietnamese weasel coffee?

High-quality weasel coffee in Indonesia is rated the best, and the price is also high at up to 1,300 USD per kg. Every year, about 200 kg of Indonesian weasel coffee supplies on the world market.

In addition, the production of this type of coffee in other countries is also limited. For example, weasel coffee is produced in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, using the same production process as in Indonesia.

vietnam weasel coffee

The price of Vietnamese weasel coffee ranges from a few hundred thousand to several tens of millions of dong per kilogram, depending on the origin.

In the Central Highlands of Vietnam, including Da Lat and Buon Ma Thuoc, you can taste a cup of weasel coffee for 200,000 Vietnamese dong.

Specifically, Weasel Coffee in Trung Nguyen – a famous coffee brand in Vietnam, has many types, such as:

  • Premium weasel coffee is about 17 million VND/box of 250 grams.
  • Legend Trung Nguyen weasel coffee is about 795 thousand VND/box of 225g.
  • Mocha Legend weasel coffee is about 800,000 VND/box of 51 grams.
  • Natural weasel coffee is more than 4.5 million VND/box of 125 grams.

Tip: Actually, this real high-quality coffee is expensive for natural collection and rare to get real weasel coffee in Vietnam.

Because in nature, weasels will choose the best ripe coffee fruits to eat. After dropping, these are great high-quality, suitable for a high price.

However, many farms feed the weasel with coffee beans unnaturally, creating this coffee type. It has a low price and is not as tasty as it used to be.

>> You may want to see the popular Vietnamese coffees.

Where to see the process of making Vietnamese weasel coffee

grow weasel to make coffee
Grow weasel to make coffee. @CaPheChonTraiHamDaLat

A weasel coffee farm with 2.4 hectares in the Trai Ham area, Ward 10, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam, has become an interesting destination for many domestic and foreign tourists to see the famous and unique production process of weasel coffee.

The first weasel coffee farm in this mountain town of Da Lat has invested more than 42 billion VND. The owner set up this farm after years of research and acquisition of Moka coffee gardens.

Not only having a coffee garden, the owner of this farm also makes cages and raises 120 weasels (actually civets) to produce weasel coffee according to a closed process. And this is also the reason that tourists come to this farm.

Weasel coffee, or rather weasel manure coffee, is currently sold by this farm for 20 million VND/kg of dried beans.

Ripe coffee berries are eaten by weasels. Each time, weasels only choose to eat about 30-40% of the coffee beans provided by the owner. After that, the coffee beans come out with the same manure and are harvested, washed, and dried. Then, put them in the incubator for a certain time. After that, the owners roast and grind them into powder. That is ready for selling.

You will see a clean coffee garden and go to the weasel farming area to see firsthand how this interesting Vietnamese weasel coffee is produced.

weasel coffee vietnam

Weasel coffee in Vietnam is only produced from coffee beans discharged by a flavorful weasel. Originally, due to the large size of the brown weasel, the teeth are also strong, so it often chews and breaks the husk covering the coffee beans, causing the coffee beans to absorb gastric juice and weasel droppings, so the smell is extremely unfriendly, and cannot be turned into a drink.

In contrast, the weasel’s size is small, so the husk covering the coffee beans is kept intact, ensuring a delicious and attractive flavor for the coffee beans.

Flavorful weasels in Vietnam are present a lot in the Nam Truong Son – the southern range of Vietnamese mountains, the area around Cat Tien National Park.

Due to hunting, wildlife trade, and the shrinking of tropical forests, the number of flavorful weasels in Vietnam is also decreasing and has been included in the Red Book, with a high risk of extinction.

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    About the author

    The editorial staff of Vietnamdrive is a team of travel experts managed by Mr. Thom who has worked in tourism for 14 years. Trusted by thousands of tourists from all over the world.